Anyway- I wanted to write a little about myself, give you the low-down on what makes me, me and who's beind the scenes that makes my life so wonderful.
I'm currently in my 30's...yeah..I'm at the upper part of the 30 range so I decided that I'll go by "10's" ..and I'm pretty sure when I get to 40, I'll probably proclaim that I'm "just past 30". It's not a lie, right? I'd be past 30! I have a terrificly amazing husband and three gorgeous little girls. My husband is Wade...I'd like you to meet my super-star, rock and best friend, Wade...he's the second hunk in from the right ..standing right next to Allister Overeem. The other men in the photo (with the exception of the one to the far left) are Wade's brothers:
Wade is a Computer Programmer and works for the State of Minnesota. He also owns and manages his own sports equipment business at night... it's also his hobby! He is also a spokesman for GNC (as seen in the photo) and GNC flies him around to various events throughout the U.S. to do autograph signings and run a fun challenge called "The Grip Gauntlet" at the GNC booth. I am so proud of my husband.. ..he's an amazing husband and an equally amazing father. His three little girls mean the world to him and it shows!
Wade and I married in July of 2003. The following year, we were blessed with our first daughter, Maysa. She is currently 8 years old ... she is a complete drama queen but I do love her so:) Our next daughter, Paige, was born in 2006... she's our "Tom boy" and likes to do whatever Wade is doing! Our last daughter, Brooke, was born in 2008 (only 1 year and 3 months age difference between the last two....can you say "Shocker!"?) ...Brooke is our little princess ..refuses to wear pants/jeans and insists on dressing like a queen on a daily basis. I could just as well throw out everything but dresses in her room. They are all so different from one another ...and I love them more than anything. So long as I have my husband and my three little girls, all is right with the world. Meet Maysa (blond hair), Paige (light brown hair, 2nd oldest) and Brooke (darker brown hair, youngest):

Last is me (it always seems like a Mother is last with just about everything, right?). I've worked in the legal field for my entire career as a Litigation Spcialist (managing attornyes and large ticket lawsuits). Three years ago when our youngest was 1 year old, my husband and I talked about me resigning from my job in the workforce to start a "new job" as a "Domestic Engineer". The decision was made and I resigned from my job (which was really tough... I'm a career woman) and became a "Domestic Engineer" (aka, stay-at-home-mom.. but I prefer to be recognized as a Domestic Engineer, it sounds flashier!!). It's been the best three years of my life and I wouldnt trade it for the world. I've had a few people make the remark that it "must be nice" being a stay-at-home mom... I quickly reply and tell them that being a stay-at-home mom is much harder than working 50 hours a week at a "commerical job". Raising kids comes with so many responsibilies, smiles, laughs but it truly is a lot of work. I've spent the past three years walking in circles ..from room to room... picking up after three kids, wiping tears, comforting, feeding, holding, reading to, driving from here to there, doing laundry (even the clean clothes they feel the need to toss in the middle of the floor making it impossible for me to determine if they are dirty or not back in the laundry they go), etc. Here's one of my favorite past-time jobs (notice that even Brooke thought she stunk):
There are so many "jobs" a mom has. So to all of you Mom's out there...CONGRATS for making it through every single day:) So the myth that being a stay-at-home mom makes you a "lady of liesure" has offically been BUSTED. :) In March of 2011 I decided to take up a hobby ... my kids were at an age where I didnt have to attend to them every minute of the day. So I decided to start sewing .. sewing baby things.. and that evolved into selling baby items. In July of 2011 I was in a store (can't remember which one) and saw a beautiful baby hat ...I asked how it was made and someone though it was crocheted. I went home that same day and went online ... I was going to teach myself how to crochet. The rest is's a little over a year later and I'm still crocheting. So no, crocheting isn't for just old ladies!! :) It's not all work and no play for me. I do enjoy some hobbies... 4-wheeling, lifting weights, camping and spending time with my family. That's me in a nutshell!
One last thing- my husband Wade lost his Dad almost a year ago. It was a sudden, unexpected, tragic loss for all of us. Wade's dad is Gale Gillingham...Regarded as one of the best Offensive Guards to ever touch the field.....Green Bay Packer Hall of Famer ... 5 time Pro-Bowler (1969, '70, '71, '73 and '74), six-time All Pro, and two-time NFL First Team All Pro (1969 and 1970). He was inducted into the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame in 1982. We are coming up on the 1 year anniversary of his death which is hard for all of us. Here's a photo of him rememberance of him! We love and miss you will always be our Hero #68!!
I'm sure I've missed a ton of things but right now I'm going to go get ready to bring my three princesses to the Hilltop Acres Farm for their wonderful Fall Trunk Sale...I love beautiful antique furniture thats been redone and distressed... if my husband would let me, I'd have two houses just so I could keep buying more furniture!!!
Be well everyone and enjoy each day!
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