Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Season is coming... the Season is coming...

That's right! The Season is coming... know which one I'm talking about ... the leaves start changing colors ..the air gets a little more crisp gets a little cooler but not too cold.  Fall is just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited.  I absolutely Love Fall!

I'm already making Fall items .. I received an order for some  infinity scarves today which I'm so excited about because I LOVE making them.  I just started making them out of pure baby alpaca (wool) and there is only one word to describe them... "heavenly".  I so lucked out when finally finding the right stitch to make them with.  I just recently learned how to knit so I was pretty pumped that I picked it all up so quickly so far.  There's a huge difference between knitting and crocheting.  I'd say I'm an expert at crocheting but only a novice at knitting, however, knowing something about both is a good thing. 

I could ramble on and on about knitting and crocheting and sewing ... but I wont!

So some exciting projects coming up.  I'm making boot cuffs..they were a hit last year so they will be making another appearance this year.  Like I said, I just received a larger order for my baby alpaca infinity scarves so I'll be busy making those too!  Also... I'm going to start making Womens headbands in the coming weeks... I have the material all ready to go .. I just need to find the time now.  They will be SO darling ...just wait and see!  

So I have a lot of irons in the fire right now.  I'm going to scale back on purchasing non-handmade items for a bit so I can dive into more of the handmade items... because let's face it, handmade items rule!   Plus, my heart is with handmade and not pre-made.   I'm also making this super cute long jean skirt which will be made from a pair of jeans and some ruffle material.  A customer asked if I could do it for her and it was too cute to pass up ..and she's a great person too:)   So from now until the end of March, I'll be super busy!

I'll try and search for a good DIY project to share this week.  They are always fun!  Until then, take care ..and happy crafting!

